Concept, Dive into the Details, Industrial style

For Shoishob, we envisioned a space that not only showcases the trendy kids' apparel but also captures the essence of childhood. We dipped our brushes in a palette inspired by Shoishob's radiant red logo, infusing every nook with a burst of vibrant colors that dance with the spirit of little ones and their parents alike. Dive into the Details: Industrial style Ever heard of an industrial fairy tale? Shoishob is just that. We applied a striking black hit coat on mild steel, elevating the industrial vibe.This bold choice not only adds a touch of sophistication but also serves as a perfect backdrop for showcasing the diverse range of children's clothing. Grid-pattern Flooring: The floor design takes center stage with a thoughtfully applied grid pattern. This not only adds visual interest but also provides a structured and organized feel to the space. The grid pattern enhances the overall design, creating a dynamic yet balanced environment. Let the Space Breathe: Open-plan vibes? Absolutely! We break down the walls (figuratively, of course) to create a space where freedom and shopping go hand in hand. An open layout invites exploration, making it easy for parents and kiddos to wander through the curated wonders of Shoishob.


Step into Shoishob, where fashion meets fun and industrial chic merges with childhood joy. At Sara Interior, we are proud to have brought this vision to life, creating a space that not only reflects the brand's identity but also provides a charming experience for every visitor. Explore the gallery below to witness the magic we've woven into Shoishob's interior. For inquiries or collaborations, feel free to reach out. Thank you for entrusting us with the opportunity to transform spaces and create lasting impressions.